Germ Free?


I have a friend that is paranoid about germs. She is forever using hand sanitizer and being extra careful about germs. The results are that she is just as susceptible as the rest of us about catching things. In fact, I think she is too germ free. The body needs a certain amount of germs to function properly. Don't you think?


Yeah, over the counter hand sanitizer isn't strong enough to kill the really bad germs, but it is strong enough to kill the healthy bacteria on your skin that protects you from the bad bugs. Your friend would do better just to wash her hands with soap and water frequently.
I have to agree with both of you. Keeping your hands clean is a 'good' thing but you can overd0 it. So I really don't think there is such a thing as being 'germ free'.


I know some people that are the same way. They are constantly washing their hands and using that sanitizer. I work in a hospital so I use it too but not nearly as often. I don't believe that you should try to be germ free. I think those people are always getting sick more often.


I have a friend that is paranoid about germs. She is forever using hand sanitizer and being extra careful about germs. The results are that she is just as susceptible as the rest of us about catching things. In fact, I think she is too germ free. The body needs a certain amount of germs to function properly. Don't you think?
The other day I was thinking of the same thing. My sister-in-law is a neat freak and so scared of germs that hand sanitizers and wipes are around her house. She trains her kids to keep their hands clean always, but it seems like the little ones are just as susceptible as the other kids to colds.


I really think it should be against the law for companies like Purell and GermX to market their hand sanitizers with claims like "kills 99.9% of germs". Check this out for more info on hand sanitizers as compared with soap and water.


I can understand being germaphobic, but I am just not. Not only is exposure good for you, as you said, the fact is that you just can't get away from germs. I think it is better to boost your immunity so that the germs that are already present in your body or that you are bound to be exposed to can be easily fought off by your immune system.


I agree with you Lyra. I think it's a much better idea to actively try to boost your immune system rather than relying too heavily on hand sanitizers. It seems that our entire society is becoming germaphobic!


I only use hand sanitizer after cleaning kitty litter box and cleaning some dirty surfaces. I agree with you, being germ free is not a good idea unless your immune system is already weakened. Like someone up here said, you need these innocent bacteria on your skin to protect you from the more vicious kind and to stimulate your immunity.


All Lady
Unless you plan to live your entire life in a bubble I really do not see such a thing as germ free. It is not hard at all to wash your hands, I do it all the time. This year I have started a no hand sanitizer kick too, only used it once and it was competently on accident after using a public computer at my kids school.