Frizzy Hair


I used to have the finest, smoothest, straightest hair. It's changed within the last 2-3 years and I'm so upset about it! I've been complaining to my stylist over and over and over, but she doesn't ever give me any solutions or reasons why. Recently, the manager told me it's because I'm getting older and this is just what happens as we age. Is this true???
I've been getting my hair highlighted for the past 25 years. I'm starting to get more gray now and will eventually need to start doing an all-over coloring. My stylist says we're not there yet and just blends the gray into the blonde highlights so far.
I use a smoothing conditioner after shampooing my hair every day. I also use a smoothing balm to style. I just don't know what else to do! I'm so frustrated with my hair!
Tomorrow is a new hair appointment. I think I'm going to have her cut all my hair off and try going short now. Maybe that will help how my hair looks?


It might! Your hair does change over time, though, so maybe it's time to try embracing your new texture instead of trying to force it to do what it used to. Your stylist will know whether or not a short do will work for you, but if she says it does, go for it!


Your hair will age, like the rest of you. Your hair will start to dry out as you age, which will result in a frizzy appearance. I wouldn't bother with the expensive 'anti-friz' hair products when you can use natural moisturizers like aloe vera, coconut oil and olive oil.
It could be because of you are getting a little older. I have been having the same problem lately. My hair isn't too frizzy and out of control, but it definitely is a lot more frizzy than it was when I was younger. I have noticed that it has been getting thicker and more frizzy after I had my baby. It is really annoying. I find that if I straighten my hair my hair will become a lot smoother and will feel better for me.


I think if you get a good hair cut and get rid of the frizzy ends it might help you. Do you have long hair? Maybe your hair is damaged from the coloring treatments. Also when dying or highlighting your hair do not use products that have alcohol in them. This will exacerbate your frizz. Also what vitamins do you take? Vitamins for healthy hair include the Vitamin B complex, particularly biotin, and Vitamins E, A and C.



You hair does change as you get older. You also chemically treat your hair when you have highlights done. I think you hair could use some TLC. I think a multivitamin can help if you don't already take one. You should also do a deep conditioning treatment. Maybe once a week to every two weeks. You can make your own or buy one.


Oh my goodness, I've had frizzy hair my entire life. It gets worse? I guess I'm just going to have a big fuzzball on my head. :(
I agree with Jessi...It's best that you embrace your texture and work with it than try to force it to do what it won't do naturally. Would you be willing to try more "curly" styles? Maybe setting your hair with rods instead of straightening it?


That's a good idea, Judith. If you're willing to let it go a little wavy, you could put in a gel/mousse of some sort to create some more body. If you've been highlighting your hair for the last 25 years, I'm guessing you might be rocking the same style of hair for a bunch of that, too, so maybe it's time to mix it up?


I've changed hairstyles quite often throughout my life. I get bored with my hair rather quickly. I've kept this particular style, with some little changes, for over a couple years though. Rather a long time for me! I've gone from super short, almost buzz cut, to super long, down to my butt, and everywhere in between. This time, I did have her cut off a pretty good amount of hair. It's now just touching my shoulders, very thinned out, super layered and choppy - looks SASSY! :D

I do take multiple vitamins. Thanks for all the suggestions, tips and advice. If you can think of anything else, let me know! There's some things I see that I should try, maybe even "embracing" the new hair texture! ;)

SoftRain, good thing I didn't have my drink at my lips or my computer would have got a mighty wet shower! LOL! I'm just picturing some poor ol' lady with a "big fuzzball" on her head! :p


New Member
Have you changed climates recently or has the area you live undergone a climate change? Obviously humidity will cause frizz so that could be a reason. Maybe a product you use underwent a manufacturing change? I used a product for a while and it worked great, but I started noticing it was less effective and a little research revealed the company had changed management and messed with the formulas.

If you had curly hair I would ask if your stylist uses a razor on your strands when she texturizes or thins it, as this will cause frizz in a curly head of hair. So for those of you that do have curly hair make sure your stylist NEVER uses the razor tool on you.

The only other thing I would suggest aside from hormonal changes due to aging would be if you have made any changes in your diet or sleep routine-- this could have an effect on your body as well as stress.

Good luck!


I really like to use oil to help with my frizzy hair. I would also lay off of styling tools like flat irons, curling irons and blow dryers. My favorite oil is olive oil, coconut oil and argan oil. I would also recommend buying a satin pillow case. I find that satin helps the hair stay smooth during the night.


RHarber, I'm in Michigan, born and raised. I moved to a lakefront home in the last several years, but I don't think that could cause the change in my hair. I'm not sure about the hair products - I use a lot of Avon stuff though. The conditioner is Pantene smoothing though. Nope, my hair was always very straight, not curly, up until these past few years. Now it has changed to be somewhat wavy, plus the frizz! Argh! :confused: Maybe it really is just the aging hormonal changes. It sucks getting old - in too many ways! :(


I really like to use oil to help with my frizzy hair. I would also lay off of styling tools like flat irons, curling irons and blow dryers. My favorite oil is olive oil, coconut oil and argan oil. I would also recommend buying a satin pillow case. I find that satin helps the hair stay smooth during the night.
I haven't done a hot oil treatment since I was teen and all my friends were doing it! LOL! Well, looks like maybe NOW is the time to try this again, when I really do need it! Thanks for the suggestion. Also, the satin pillow case is a unique tip. Since it works for you, maybe I need to get out and buy some satin for my pillow! Thanks!


I haven't done a hot oil treatment since I was teen and all my friends were doing it! LOL! Well, looks like maybe NOW is the time to try this again, when I really do need it! Thanks for the suggestion. Also, the satin pillow case is a unique tip. Since it works for you, maybe I need to get out and buy some satin for my pillow! Thanks!
You really should try it! I got that tip from a friend of mine who has bi-racial hair that is very prone to frizziness. She bought a satin pillowcase and her hair looked a lot smoother and moisturized. I bought myself one as well and it works wonders. The best part is they are reasonably priced.


I would say use a hot oil treatment also but as we age everything seems to get going. I have a change in my hair also that cost problems for me. I would say stop going to the hair stylist which I did and my hair is better because of it and I do my own hair and then I can tell the change in it myself. It's getting a lot better than it was and I said to many chemicals and your body do not mix.


Oh dear, Lena, I can't imagine not going to the hair salon anymore! :eek: I go to a really good, upscale salon and she does use the best stuff available on my hair. I know I wouldn't be able to do any better than her. I'd be afraid to even try. Though I did write down what the rated #1 best home hair color on the market is - John Frieda Precision Foam Haircolor. I don't know if I'd ever buy it, but maybe someday...
Besides, we've not gotten into the whole hair color thing yet - just highlights so far. I would never attempt doing highlights at home, on my own!
I really should get some hot oil treatments!

AnonaMoss, I'm glad you said that the satin pillowcase also worked for your friend with the problem hair. It does sound like a great recommendation! :)