Favorite candle brand


New Member
What is your favorite brand of candles? I love the Yankee candles, but they can be so expensive. I have a few of them that I save for special occasions, but my everyday candles usually come from the dollar store or Walmart.


New Member
I really do love candles but have been hesitant about continuing to purchase the conventional product.

Normally, candles are produced from a byproduct of petroleum and they contain all types of toxic residue that is released into the air and they have been known to cause allergic reactions in some people.

Soy candles from what I've been researching and reading up on is one of the best alternatives to use. It burns clean and folks sensitive to paraffin candles don't have the same discomforts.

Quite honestly though, I haven't tried them yet...but I haven't bought any other type of candle yet either.


New Member
I love soy candles. They do indeed burn clean, the smells seems to be softer than conventional candles. I do however prefer to make my own as well.