Drinking more water


New Member
I heard that people with skin problems should drink more water than other people without the problems do. It will help them with purifying their body from toxins causing the problems.


I've heard that too, and I think it makes sense. You're flushing your body, essentially, and in any case, what could it hurt? It's pretty hard to drink too much water.


New Member
Yes, it makes a lot of sense to me. It will be easier for your body to clean up its systems when there is enough water available. Though, I wonder how much is too much.


Drinking water kicks the toxins out, this is why after any (proper) deep tissue massage the person will hand you a bottle of water and send you home to rest and drink more. I will drink about 2 bottles a day of pure water, the others have an extra add (like Mio).


New Member
I'm always told to drink more water because I have dry skin. If I do end up drinking a lot for a few days, then I always hear how my face is cleaning up and all that. I do drink water, but I do like Coke a lot.


New Member
I have dry skin also and drinking plenty of water daily seems to help much with it. I try to drink at least three liters of water a day.


New Member
When I was a teenager my doctor told me that drinking water would be good for getting rid of my acne. Like other have said, flushing out the toxins with the water makes sense. I've kept up my same routine with drinking water at certain times of the day.


New Member
What matters is not only how much you drink water but also when you drink it. It is more advisable to drink little water several times a day than to drink a lot of it at one time.


New Member
What kind of skin problems? Do you mean like acne or eczema? I drink a ton of water and I still have very dry skin. I don't think drinking water really helps with this area.


New Member
I was referring to dry skin around the head and face area. When I'm fully hydrated it tends to go away, but if I'm not drinking that much water, then it comes back more. It's even worse when it's cold out.


New Member
I drink water constantly and I love it! I keep a bottle of water by my side and drink constantly. I take a lot of medicines and I really think it helps things to circulate and then get out of my body. I wouldn't feel as well then, or at least I don't think I would.