Do you have a lot of house plants?


I really like having plants around the house. But I'm not super great at taking care of them. I wonder if it will get easier once my kids are older. I'm just so busy keeping kids (and pets) alive I sometimes forget to water them.


How old are your kids? Once they hit toddler range, give them a water bottle and let them water the plants for you. They'll love it so much that they'll ask about doing it again so you won't have to remember on your own.
How old are your kids? Once they hit toddler range, give them a water bottle and let them water the plants for you. They'll love it so much that they'll ask about doing it again so you won't have to remember on your own.
That really is a good idea!

I have one plant in the house. It is the plant that my husband got when his father passed away. I make a point to water it often to keep it alive. It is about 6 or 7 years old now and is branching out like crazy. I'm not sure I would have room for anymore plants in my home.


I gave away all but seven of them because I had just way too many of them. I usually water them every Saturday. I clean my fish tank once a week and just use the waste water to water the plants. The plants get fertilized at the same time!
I'm trying to get more and more before winter. It will be nice to have something making fresh air while all the windows are shut to keep out the cold. Also the benefit of the plants releasing humidity in the air will be nice since it gets to dry in winter. Having something green should help keep my mood up too.


I love having house plants and would have lots of them if we had more sunlight and temperature appropriate rooms. Our rooms are either too cold in the winter or too dark for them to do well. I also do not have a green thumb. I don't like fake ones, so mostly I have big windows so we can look out.


I gave away all but seven of them because I had just way too many of them. I usually water them every Saturday. I clean my fish tank once a week and just use the waste water to water the plants. The plants get fertilized at the same time!
Oh, I love it! Any time you can be efficient like that, it feels so good. I don't have a fish tank, but it is such a good idea.

I can't believe I've never thought to task one of my kids with the chore of watering the plants. One of mine would absolutely love to be trusted with this responsibility. Thanks for the great idea.


My sisters are great with house plants and gardens. I do not have a green thumb at all.. I over water plants and they die. Have you seen the gadgets that will slowly water your plants. Try plant stores or nurseries. Good luck.


yes, quite a few of them. There are a bunch of plants in my house that are in pretty much the same general area. I would love to get some more house plants if I can get more space cleared for them.


I do not have a green thumb and I must admit that I am not that enthusiastic about having plants in my space and taking care of them. I have one though which is sitting in my living room. My cousin gave it to me, and I try my best to water it regularly. :)


I love plants and usually have a lot of them in the house. I often will ask for a piece of a plant when I visit someone that has a lot of plants.


I use to have a whole bunch of house plants. Now, I am down to 11. I have a huge bay window and keep most of them near it, so they can get plenty of sun.


Have a great day
I do not consider them house plants. All but one are outside. I have one inside that the wife was supposed to take care of and she does not. I've thought about moving something inside, but do not have the time right now. Most of my time is spent outside with my plants.


I only have a couple of houseplants in my apartment. My roommate doesn't really care for them. I think she thought they would die out, but I'm really good with plants. I sing and/or talk to depending on my mood. I also leave music playing when the apartment is empty. Yep, friends think I'm crazy, but they don't deny that I have a green thumb.


My kids are older, but my problem with keeping indoor plants is that my cats love to eat them. And some are lethal to them. I've decided to just live with the most realistic fake ones I can find until my kitties go to rainbow Heaven. But I do love the look of real plants in the house, and they are so good for your health, too.


Spider plants are just about foolproof. They grow beautifully in hanging baskets or in pots on a high shelf. In summer they need a little water but in winter they can go without. They like a light airy position.
Similarly with Aloe Vera. Not a hanging plant but can tolerate neglect.


Having house plants is like having kids; they require attention and tending to just the same. It really is worth the time and effort though because of the energy, beauty and oxygen they provide in your home. You actually have to get to know each type of plant and what it needs to flourish.
When you have kids, you may well have to protect the plants from them because they like to grab at things.


I don't have many plants in the house during summer because I suffer from hayfever. My hayfever is quite bad, a few plants in the house is enough to trigger my symptoms. I buy a few plants for the house when summer is over.


I don't own a house, I only have one little room, so I can't have as many flowers as I would like to. And I'd like to have billions of them. Instead I have 6 miniature roses. I love them! Every morning I look at them too see if they grow over the night and every evening I water them and wash their little leafs. Roses are my favourite flowers and these were a gift from my boyfriend, so I love them even more!:D