

New Member
My father-in-law is a diabetic. His doctor recommended he add cinnamon to his diet to help maintain his blood sugar levels. He has started putting a little in his coffee each morning.


New Member
Yes, cinnamon has been proven to help regulate blood sugar levels. I wonder if any drugs are being developed using cinnamon. Also, isn't cinnamon a spice?


Yes it's a spice but this is good to know. I am due to have a test in a couple of weeks to see whether I have diabetes since my late mother had it and my young brother has it. It may be I'll have need of this, although I hope not.


New Member
Lots of herbs are also used as spices. I wonder if we got in the habit of putting spices in our foods as medicines? I have read that cinnamon is good for diabetes. Are there other herbs, too? It seems like there is something, but I can't remember...


New Member
Quite a few used for treating diabetes. From what I understand, Cinnamon is effective in increasing the efficiency of insulin. Onion & Garlic, Blueberry leaves, Ginseng, and others are also used in the treatment of diabetes related problems, though I don't know the effectiveness of them. Try a quick search online, there are a number of resources covering this in some detail.


New Member
I'm lucky enough that my sugar problems can be diet controlled. I have used licorice root and dandelion leaf tea. Then there's always asparagus, which is said to be the new cure all.


My brother was a diabetic and the prescription medicine they gave him caused weight gain. Since he refused to get much exercise, he became grossly overweight and died of a massive heart attack almost a year ago. I wish he had tried using some of the natural sources that might have helped him.

I don't believe he would ever have tried asparagus, but it does contain a wide variety of nutrients. It doesn't surprise me that it's considered the new cure all!