

New Member
What kinds of herbs treat constipation. Although I drink plenty of water, I still from time to time, become constipated. Is there anything herbal that will treat this?


Marshmallow root can be effective.

Also, oils. If you feel you are in need, then use some oil. Fish or botantical. Both would work.

Avoid senna, even though it works, it can be very aggressive and not a good experience.



New Member
Drinking lemon water regularly in the morning will do the trick. I read also that papayas contain a certain substance that helps you ease the constipation.


New Member
Pear juice or just eating a pear a day can make a big difference to bowel health and function.

Striped Malva, a flower, is very high in mucilage and tea made from it is an old folk remedy for being bound-up.


New Member
Take papaya every morning. It works wonders. Some people don't have daily bowel movements. Their regular bowel movement could be every 2 days. Observe your body's habits.


Make sure it is not diet related. I was constipated and didn't realize it was a problem with soy products. I cut out the soy and am fine now. Pay attention to anything new you have added to you diet when you have problems.


New Member
Senna can be too strong for some people, but Traditional Medicinals makes an excellent tea (that works usually overnight) called "Smooth Move." They also make a "chocolate" tasting Smooth Move tea. The ingredients must be quite balanced because I have never experienced cramping with this tea.

But if you're extra constipated there is one natural remedy that is not an herb, but it WILL do the job. Magnesium Citrate. Comes in 10 oz. bottles and it's available at just about any drugstore like Walgreens. I had no cramping with this remedy.

Happyherbs :)