Cats and popsicles


I know dogs are given popsicles all the time but I was wondering about cats. I have a squishy ice pack with blue gel inside that my cat loves to lick. I don't give it to her for that but she usually gets a few licks in when I get it out for my shoulder or back. What about sugar free popsicles for her?


New Member
Maybe I'm not very observant with pets but I had no idea that dogs and cats might like popsicles. I also didn't know that there were sugar free popsicles. I've avoided popsciles because of all the sugar I imagine they have.


My mom's diabetic so I usually notice when there's a sugar-free product. Chocolate pudding pops have been sugar-free for a while. They're not bad. I've seen dogs eating popsicles before-don't know if the vet said it was okay or not.


New Member
In the extreme heat of summer, I make my cats each a special 'bed'.... a beach towel wrapped around gel paks out of the freezer.

I've also been known to hose the felines down, I once owned a cat that would play 'hockey' with my ankles to herd me outside to hose him down! He LIKED it, and so it is with my current animals: they don't like the hose, but a cold wet cloth down the back of the fur, o YES they do!