Avoiding Being Bald


New Member
I wonder why men are more prone to being bald. My family has a history of having hair loss. What should I do for me to prevent being bald?


New Member
From what I know about hair loss, it is inherited from the maternal grandfather (your grandfather on your mom's side). I think a lot of the treatments they have on the market today can be effective, but they can also be very costly. I'm not sure if there are any known preventative measures.

Have you tried to picture yourself bald? My husband suffered from hair loss at a young age and finally gave up and started shaving his head a few years ago. He's never looked sexier :D


New Member
I don't think there is really anything you can do about it if it runs in your family. Is it on both sides of the family? Like Glinda the men in my family shaved their head when they started going bald.


New Member
Yes, balding is hereditory. My father had it, my uncle has it and I am having it. Several medicine are available in the market for hair growth. But, my experience has been not encouraging. At one point of time, due to usage of these medicines, my face had swollen and my BP shot up significantly. Since then, I stopped using all medicines. However, presently, hair transplantation has become quite popular and reportedly successful. But, I've not tried it as it is expensive.


My husband is balding and he's not happy about it. He was going to try one of the products on the market, but I read that it can have some pretty severe side effects. Are there any natural products that encourage hair growth? There seem to be natural remedies for just about anything, but since hair loss is inherited, maybe there isn't for hair loss.


New Member
Losing your hair and going bald are hereditary. The only thing you could do is that hair transplant procedure and I don't know how good it takes. Most of the men I know that are going bald shave their head as well.


New Member
My late father had it but I don't know about my maternal grandfather (I hope he didn't). I don't have any hair loss issue yet and of course I don't expect it LOL.


New Member
Honestly balding is not a bad thing. It means you have a healthy amount of testosterone in your body for one thing and that's good for a guy. Beside that right now, bald is in. Shave the rest of the hair off and go for that macho look. It worked for me.:D


New Member
I am not really sure about what is true and what is false about why people go bald. I know for sure that a large factor that is important is the genetics (i.e. it is hereditary). You can also delay baldness by your lifestyle, but I am not quite sure what you should adhere to.


New Member
Honestly balding is not a bad thing. It means you have a healthy amount of testosterone in your body for one thing and that's good for a guy. Beside that right now, bald is in. Shave the rest of the hair off and go for that macho look. It worked for me.:D
That's interesting to know. I'll have to tell my husband - he'll be pleased to hear that he has a little extra testosterone ;)

I might be biased, but I do like the bald look so I don't know why guys worry about losing their hair so much. I guess I can see why it would be annoying not to have a choice about having hair or not, but I say if you're losing hair shave it off :)


New Member
It's hereditary and there's not much you can do about it unless you want to pay out a lot of money. I would just let nature take it's course.


New Member
Balding is hereditary but wearing a cap all the time can help speed things along as well so that's something you may want to consider if you already know that balding may be in your future.


New Member
Hair loss is hereditary and I think for men it is not as traumatic as it is for women. A man can look sexy when he shaves his head....a woman looks like she's receiving chemo. My sister lost 50% of her hair in her early 30's. She wears wigs to deal with it.


New Member
I think that it is mainly a genetic issue, is it not? I mean there is only so much that you can do to make sure that your hair stays in for that extra bit longer. I know that if you avoid gel and other chemical hair products, it is very helpful.