Arsenic in baby food


New Member
It is a difficult choice for those who use formula. I've read that some women use some sort of homemade formula using goat milk, but I have no idea how safe and/or nutritious that is. It is sad, when no matter what you do, everything is tainted. I still think growing your own food is better than store bought. I have heard of giving puppies and kittens goats milk, if their mother dies. It is suppose to be a good substitute, but I am not sure how good it is for human babies. Oh, it looks like there isn't a completely safe food product out there anymore. Every now and then, a potentially dangerous element contained in food is discovered no matter how it is processed or prepared.


Have a great day
It is a difficult choice for those who use formula. I've read that some women use some sort of homemade formula using goat milk, but I have no idea how safe and/or nutritious that is. It is sad, when no matter what you do, everything is tainted. I still think growing your own food is better than store bought. I have heard of giving puppies and kittens goats milk, if their mother dies. It is suppose to be a good substitute, but I am not sure how good it is for human babies. Oh, it looks like there isn't a completely safe food product out there anymore. Every now and then, a potentially dangerous element contained in food is discovered no matter how it is processed or prepared.
I love goats, do not ask me why, but I find them interesting. One of the things I did when I got some large property was look into raising goats. They make great pets, you can milk them, and meat goats taste good.

Some people that are lactose intolerant can have goat milk. There is so much that can be said, I had to try and type it all out. Keep in mind some of this is pro-goat websites.

Benefits of Goat Milk, Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk

Goat's Milk: A Natural Alternative for Milk Sensitive Patients

Why Goat Milk? - Dairy Goats and Lactation - GOATWORLD.COM

But like you said, today it is hard to get away from mass-manufactured foods that are not tainted in some way or another. Even growing at home food can be tainted.


I've also read recently there is arsenic in apple juice. The report was warning parents not to give their kids too much apple juice because the arsenic levels are currently being reviewed by the FDA.

Mrs. Rogers

I was just reading how they have found traces of arsenic in some organic baby foods. The arsenic came from the organic brown rice syrup used to sweeten the formula. The arsenic was a result of pesticides in the soil. If we can't trust the organics, what do we have to do -- grow our own?
This is why I breastfed my children and just waited until they were old enough for table food. I'm so glad I chose to do that!


Active Member
Arsenic like anthrax and mercury is not only found in many locations, but is generally fed into the body in small amounts all the time. It is only a big deal when it is found in large or very large amounts. Otherwise there is no need to panic or spaz or run out and buy a "Magic Baby Bullet".


It's really terrible. Arsenic is in a lot of things including rice, juices and other things. The baby food is particularly throubling, as babies are small, who knows what the quanity of arsenic would be, as well as the effect over time.


Active Member
It's really terrible. Arsenic is in a lot of things including rice, juices and other things. The baby food is particularly throubling, as babies are small, who knows what the quanity of arsenic would be, as well as the effect over time.
So long as the child is healthy and the quanties are normal you shouldn't have to worry about anything.
It's not just baby food either. A lot of organic foods have been reported to have traces of Arsenic in them. Being that I eat mostly organic it's alarming.


It is alarming. You want to be able to trust something, the food in the supermarkets have so many chemicals, people are preserving themselves such that, when they get to the funeral parlor, reportedlty they don't have to embalm them.
As far as a healthy baby, is that not making the baby less healthy, feeding them small amounts of arsenic? Gees.


I think we are all eating it and are not aware of it. I read In the case of chicken, producers sometimes add an arsenic-based drug to chicken feed so that they grow faster and have pinker meat. I think it is all around us. The only was to get around it is to plant your own food. :)


I always made my own baby food from fresh foods. Then I could wash the food before making it into my food. Not only that the food was significantly lower in cost and now my son who was eating the food is really enjoying my cooking even more!