Acid reflux


New Member
I think I'm getting acid reflux and have no idea what to do for it. I don't like doctors too much, I'd much rather try to take care of t myself Any suggestions?


New Member
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) or ginger seem to be common methods for treating acid reflux. Licorice stimulates the production of protective mucus that lines the digestive tract which protects the esophagus from stomach acid. Ginger relaxes the muscles on the esophagus walls to prevent acid reflux.

For the DGL, take two 250-milligram capsules before each meal. Rather than swallow them with water, simply suck on the capsules so that they dissolve in the mouth so that when you swallow it will coat the inflamed tissues in your throat and esophagus.

For the ginger, take two capsules twenty minutes before eating. Or, alternatively if you are using ginger root or powder, you can make a tea and drink that. One recipe for the root/powder method involves 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root, or 1,000 mg of ginger powder. Steep the ginger in 1 cup boiling water for 5 minutes, and then sip.

It is also mentioned to stay away from milk, coffee, alcohol, peppermint and chocolates. As for other foods which contain some acids, you'll have to see for yourself which you can handle or not. Also try not lay flat on your back, elevate your bed slightly so to discourage the acid from moving up.

I hope this helps.


New Member
I've had a problem with this as well. I notice when I eat foods high in fat that triggers is something that I can not tolerate at gives me heartburn for hours. Oddly, I found eating plain old celery at the onset seems to get rid of it very quickly. I have no idea how or why it works but it just does.


New Member
With a acid reflux, I presume you mean a heart burn right? This is essentially caused by the acid in the stomach being pushed out of the stomach and up the esophagus. What you want to do is take anything that is alkaline (google it!).


New Member
My friend introduced me to this chewable tablet called TUMS. It is for kids. Safe even for pregnant women and it is yummy! So many flavors to choose from.


New Member
I have severe acid reflux so does my son. I have found the triggers and we pretty much avoid them but sometime we cannot, I find the TUMS work for us too.