Search results

  1. LiquidatorBrunt

    Whole foods diet

    Start small and try and do something towards your goal everyday. It's difficult to imagine making the switch 100% all in one go. Changing your diet isn't just changing what you eat, it is a lifestyle change.
  2. LiquidatorBrunt

    Human Immortality by 2045

    It will be a long time before anyone can fit the vastly complex human consciousness into a synthetic computer. Computers can't even solve the board game of chess, how can they possibly replicate the complexities of the human brain? I think the most effective way of extending you life span...
  3. LiquidatorBrunt


    I believe I identified the cause of my morning sneezing and running nose. In the process of trying to make my home into a garden filled with plants I am growing some cucumber in my bedroom windowsill. Well, what do you know, it finally clicked that I wake up with a running nose and sneezing...
  4. LiquidatorBrunt

    What is the effective way of Treating Balanitis

    Retract your foreskin and soak in warm water daily. Cheap and effective treatment. I can't imagine anyone willingly going through a circumcision as an adult. I would recommend getting a second opinion.
  5. LiquidatorBrunt

    Something to help with shedding?

    Brush, brush, brush! Hopefully this excessive shedding will stop when the weather cools down and fall comes around. I find with my cat that wiping her down with a moist towel helps remove excess fur that the brush seems to miss.
  6. LiquidatorBrunt

    Men Hugging Men?

    Sure, I'll give a hug. I'm not into the butt slaps like baseball players, that has always seemed a little off putting to me. It also seems to depend on how much people have had to drink. More booze = more hugs!:p
  7. LiquidatorBrunt

    Why does women go meet men in Jail or prison?

    It probably has something to do with fear also. There is some security in knowing that your partner is locked up in jail and will never leave you. There's not a lot of competition for prisoners so there is a low level of rejection. The prisoner relies on the person on the outside setting up a...
  8. LiquidatorBrunt

    Treat days

    Cheat days? Who am I cheating? Is there a quiz?! Sounds like depressed days. I guess I'm lucky in the fact that junk food really doesn't appeal to me anymore. When I do have some, I feel sick. About two months ago on a road trip I indulged in gas station junk food and it was an unpleasant...
  9. LiquidatorBrunt

    Healthy practices produce results

    Good work. For me finding a healthy diet was similar to you. Just try and eat well everyday in stead of adopting some blanket diet, or some sort of caloric guidelines. I'm sure you couldn't go back to your old ways now even if you wanted!
  10. LiquidatorBrunt

    Smiling and Stress

    Yeah, I can relate to this. It's kind or irritating when I deal with people who are obviously forcing a less than genuine smile, there's something unsettling about it. Just being aware of smiling and making an effort to do it a just little more might be the kickstart you (and I) need.
  11. LiquidatorBrunt

    Do Any Herbs Actually Work At Keeping Bugs Away?

    That's interesting. Me and my girlfriend eat quite a bit of garlic. We noticed that the mosquitoes where bothering us quite a bit less than some of our friends on a recent camping trip. They seem to bite vegetarians less, preferring meat eaters.
  12. LiquidatorBrunt

    How to get started

    Whenever I start a new project I like to head on down to the library and pick up a book on the subject. That's where I would start, get a book and follow it.
  13. LiquidatorBrunt

    bury the dog

    How hot is it out there? Dogs are very sensitive to heat since they don't sweat. It's harder for them to dissipate their thermal energy.
  14. LiquidatorBrunt


    The same thing is happening to me. Every morning I wake up and my nose runs for a good twenty minutes accompanied by sneezing. I don't know what it's about, probably allergies since this is something that seems to have only come on this summer.
  15. LiquidatorBrunt

    Smiling and Stress

    Smiling is a activity passed down to us by our ape ancestors. Apes use it as a very important social signal to indicate friendship and other feelings. It's no wonder this plays a part in our health as homo sapiens, it's been hardwired into our brains though millions of years of evolution.
  16. LiquidatorBrunt

    Lean Cuisine and the like

    I try and stay away from the pre-made frozen stuff. In the past I really liked the stuff, frozen pizza, microwave burritos, pizza rolls, yum! Since my habits started changing and I eat better, real, natural foods my tastes have evolved. Now I get cravings for these frozen processed foods, but...
  17. LiquidatorBrunt

    Need kick in butt

    Meditation is hard for me too. It is something that doesn't have an immediate reward, or at least it feels like that to me. It gets frustrating because my mind will always wander.
  18. LiquidatorBrunt

    Do you have a lot of house plants?

    I'm trying to get more and more before winter. It will be nice to have something making fresh air while all the windows are shut to keep out the cold. Also the benefit of the plants releasing humidity in the air will be nice since it gets to dry in winter. Having something green should help...
  19. LiquidatorBrunt

    Chamomile Tea As A Sedative

    Like many I enjoy it primarily before bed. The times I've drank it during the day has resulted in some drowsiness. The longer I've been drinking it I feel I have developed some tolerance to it's sedative effect. Other times I feel it lightens my mood to such an extent that it actually makes...
  20. LiquidatorBrunt

    Are you watching the Olympics?

    I've discovered a fondness for women's weightlifting. Since I don't have a television I've been watching some BBC feeds. Most of it doesn't interest me too much. My girlfriend is a big fan though, so it's on, but I don't pay much attention. I've never been a big proponent of watching sports...