Would you eat bugs?

I was watching a show about different groups of people in San Francisco who forage for their food and what they ate. One group advocated eating bugs (meal worms in particular) as a sustainable, cheap and high nutrient staple. They prepared them in different ways but I just don't think I could do it. Could you?


New Member
Nope! Not unless I was stranded somewhere and that was the only thing to eat to help stay alive. I might consider it then, but I would have to be really hungry. :eek:


In some countries bugs are considered a delicacy but I think I will pass. I am with Dixie on this one, maybe if I was stranded with no food and no other way to get food, but even then I would probably not.


Have a great day
If it came down to me being alive or death, I would do it. Just to eat them, I have no interest.


All Lady
I would have to be dying in order to eat a bug. I do not even like it when the cat might catch one in the house and then I have to scoop up the remains.


New Member
As long as there is any other type of food to eat, I will not be eating bugs, insects, snakes, rodents or human beings. Just because it doesn't kill you doesn't mean it should be on the menu.


I think that my gut would resent bugs or foods of a similar type. Unless it's an issue of life and death, I don't think I would ever consider eating bugs or worms.


New Member
Just the thought of eating something disgusting like bugs makes my stomach react. I'm not sure I could force myself to do it and it's certainly not something I'd chose to do.


I'd only do it if I absolutely had to. Otherwise it's just too gross! I can't even eat crawfish because they look like bugs to me. The taste is good but the visual is just too much.


I have seen such people on television saying such, they say that it is for the protein content. Bugs have germs, they are creatures that crawl around in the dirt. My uncle used to eat chocalate covered grasshoppers, no thank you. Bugs are filthy. You are able to get protein from other sources.
No way! I eat a lot of things, however I won't ever eats bugs unless it is a matter of life and death. They look disgusting, and they sure wouldn't taste nice either.
Absolutely not! There is only one way I would eat a bug and that would be if I had no other choice at all and if I didn't eat it, I would die. I don't even like to be around bugs, so it would have to be pretty bad for me to actually touch and eat one. To each their own I guess.


Absolutely not.
There are some people who claim that eating bugs is healthy for you, but these are the same people who say urine, and chilled blood is good for you. I just don't see how any of it can really benefit you.


Nope. Definitely not. As the saying goes, never say never, but I see myself eating bugs unless I was under extreme duress. Really extreme duress.

Mrs. Rogers

I honestly feel like (and I've thought about this) I could not, even at my hungriest, eat a bug. They just give me the creeps, all their legs....ugh.


New Member
I would NOT eat bugs. I do not even like to be around them because they are so disgusting! So the fact that I would have to pick it up and watch me move it towards my mouth and think about it in my mouth while I am chewing is the most sick thinks ever.
However, through in a million dollars and then we can talk.


Nope, I'm a vegetarian hahaha. If I was stranded I would. I'd have to open up a can of Bear Grylls on them.
Wouldn't be happy about it :\


New Member
I do not care for the idea at all, but if I was hungry enough I would try about anything :p . I watch survivor shows and know that yes they are high protein, but hey I am spoiled my grocery store is a few blocks away. My great grandparents used to raise hogs and always said they would use everything but the oink. I pass on most of that stuff as well. The hog head cheese or other organs sorry I just can't quite get myself to eat it. I barely eat chicken livers and that is just on a very rare occasion.