What to plant?


New Member
I've never really planted my own herbs before. I want to start as they are so expensive in the stores. What should I start with? I need easy. What do I need to start planting (egg cartons, etc.)?


New Member
I wouldn't bother with the egg cartons unless you want to start them before you can plant in the ground. They grow so fast I just start them in the ground in late spring. I am going to plant mine at the end of the month but I live in Georgia. I am planting lavender for sure and probably some to cook with.


The easy one is mint and there are so many different kinds, spearmint, peppermint etc but do make sure that you have them in containers because they can overrun your garden.


New Member
I live in NY and it's mighty cold here in the springtime some years. What can I do with the mints? I love mint candies but I don't cook with mint.


New Member
You really need to look at what you frequently cook with. If you don't cook with mint then you don't really need it. My herb garden consists of things I use every week - basil, rosemary, Italian parsley, etc.


New Member
I agree with Glinda. Plant the herbs that you usually use for cooking. I think it is also wise to plant medicinal herbs so that we can use it as first aid if there is an accident.