Water Your Plants!


That is obvious advice, and yet I managed to nearly kill off my basil due to neglect. Sometimes I underestimate how quickly it will get dry and it looked pretty bad. It's coming back though, fortunately.


Sometimes watering the plants is a chore that gets away from me. I used to have a tendency to over-water them, so then I learned to back off. Different plants have different watering needs too. I try to make it a point to check them all a couple of times a week.


I stopped having house plants completely because I always kill them! I either over water them, or forget to water them and they die. I am not green fingered at all!


All Lady
I don't usually have an issue with watering them but my orchid did lose all of its flowers this past week. I heard it is possible they can re-bloom but I have never done this before so I think some homework is in order for me.


To be honest I do forget to water my plants. There are times when I water them too often (because I thought I forgot), this is not good for them either. The key is to know what your plant likes.