Stuffy Nose All of the Time


New Member
I have been having trouble with having a stuffy nose lately and it's driving me crazy. Does anyone have any aroma therapy recipes for stuffy noses?


New Member
Is it possible it's from an allergy or a latent sinus issue? Because it sounds something is causing the membranes inside of the nose to swell.

It can be a food allergy, a contact allergy: my mom gets a completely plugged nose if she drinks a glass of red wine, as an example.

Steaming your head over a bowl of hot water with some Vick's Vapor Rub in the water may afford you some relief, as may a camphor 'stick' inhaler than Vick's also makes.

If it's been going on for more than 10 days, however, I'd suggest a trip to see the family doctor.


New Member
I will give a simple remedy which will solve the problem of a stuffy nose. Take a few camphor tablets and inhale its aroma for a few minutes. This will clear your stuffy nose. But, don't over do it. Take care.


It all depends on the cause. But for relief until you find the cause or go see the doctor, you can actually just use steam to loosen up the mucous.

A variety of essential oils can help clear the nose. Eucalyptus is one among many.

Another way is to get just plain saline nose spray and use that. It will help keep the nose hydrated and help get some of the stuffiness loosened up.

Be careful of your membranes. Sometimes over use of commercial products can indeed cause more swelling. It can cause irritation.



New Member
If you get yourself some hot steamy water and some Eucalyptus oil, put your head over a bowl with towel covering your head, it will clear your nose, but I'm not sure how long it will last.


I have also used Eucalyptus oil in the past. I used to have a facial sauna which was used to unblock pores but I put the oil in the water and the steam did wonders for my stuffy nose.