Stress-Related Nape Tension and Pain


My brother has been having terrible nape tension and pain, but laboratory test results didn't indicate any health issues. Most likely, the discomfort is stress-related. He is so stressed at work as he was recently promoted, and the fact that he and his wife have had a serious fight might have added to the tension.
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Stress is one of the number one health related challenges today. Is there any way he could get a massage? I've found that helps tremendously and lasts for several days. A nice glass of wine before bed also works wonders.


New Member
Eucalyptus is a great relaxer and stress reliever. A couple drops of eucalyptus on the palms will soothe the entire body. Lavender candles or lavender sachets under the pillow are also good stress relievers.

Raspberry Leaf

New Member
I have a similar problem with tension in my neck. When it flares up, I try to rest it as much as possible, and I put on a heated neck wrap. They're pretty simple to make and very effective for soothing pain.