Sick mom, sick kids...oh, boy!


I'm sick, both of my kids are sick, and my hubby is at work, but says he doesn't feel too hot either. He also said that the dayshift kitchen back-up had to go home early today because she was sick. I don't know what we have gotten into but so far it is not very pleasant.
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It is going around. Everyone around here has had the flu and I am just hoping that I don't get it. I am so tired and worn down right now, that it will hit me especially hard if I get sick.


I keep hearing from my friends that they are sick too! Be careful out there, particularly if holiday shopping. So many people running around sick and they are spreading the joy. Don't touch your face and carry hand sanitizer with you!


Are you feeling better yet? Being sick stinks but being sick and having your whole family sick is worse. Knock on wood - so far we are healthy here.


I feel better today, but still not great. Both of the kids are irritable as all get out and have runny noses and fevers. Hubby went to work today, and all of the dayshift either called out or left early. I hope he doesn't get it too.