Night Flowers


New Member
I have heard that there are flowers that only bloom at night . They have different scent and it is pleasing to smell. Anyone knows what kind of plants are have flowers that bloom only at night?


Have a great day
Moonflowers and yucca are two that I can think off off the top of my head. I thought there was one that only blooms at night and only once a year. I know vanilla bean plants only bloom once a year, but I think it is at daytime.


New Member
Wow, that is pretty cool! I don't know if I would want many of these though. I love to see the flowers in bloom all day long. What do they smell like?


Have a great day
Moonflowers smell almost like Easter Lilies, but less perfumey. Someone once told me it they thought it smelt like fruit loops though.


New Member
I planted some moon flowers a few weeks ago. I have always wanted a night blooming garden but they were the only ones I could find. Does anyone know how long they take to mature? I can't wait to see them!


All Lady
I am a nighthawk by nature and I knew about the yucca's but not the other and still after all these years yet to tamper with any of them. Do you need to know anything special?


New Member
I thought flowers bloom only in the morning. I never thought that there are such flowers that bloom at night. Will they bloom if they were inside a room where there is no light or do they have schedule to bloom only at night?