Mint for Next Christmas


I've already started planning gifts for next Christmas. My neighbor gave me a sprig of potted mint last summer. I planted it and it's growing like crazy. My plans are to harvest it all during the new year and give it for gifts next year. Is that being anal or what?


We have several patches of various kinds of mints growing in a corner of our yard. I love the way it spreads. We put sprigs in old-fashioned ice trays and serve ice cubes with mint in tall glasses of iced tea during the summer. It brings back childhood memories since our mother did this, too.


What will you be giving away? Plants for them to grow or will you make something with the mint and give that to them? I think it's great that you are already planning for next Christmas!


My plans are to harvest the leaves, dry them and give for tea Luvkenny. I love the mint tea. I need to find some good recipes for dried mint so I can print off and give with the mint. Do you know of any right off hand?