Making Oils from Herbs


New Member
I have always wondered how oils were made from herbs and I am going to do some research. I was just thinking why not ask my friends here if they have recipes or such. So Does anyone have a recipe or can anyone share how oils are made from herbs?


You are meaning how to make herbal oil? Right? Not E.O.

Its real simple. You take any herb combo you want. Use dried because you don't want moisture in your oil.
Using a double boiler type of situation, or crock pot or oven...
put the herbs in
Pour just enough of your choice of oil to pour over the herbs. You don't want the herbs swimming. Barely enough to cover them.

Then heat but do not boil.
Keep this going for up to 3 or 4 hours or longer. I do mine a very long time on very low heat.

Or, you can not use heat and leave them in a jar with a lid and allow them a few weeks to sit. At least 3 weeks.

When finished you strain with cheese cloth or a finer cloth depending on what you are wanting. You can even use a press if you want. But then you need to really squeeze the herbs left in the cloth. Get all that oil out.

And that is it.
P.S. Do NOT use aluminum whatever you do. Stick with Stainless steel, ceramic, or glass.
