How do you feel about the impending corn and beef shortage?


Never heard such a thing. Asian countries are large producer of wheat and that is our major food grain. Moreover, India, is largely the vegetarian and cost of beef does not matter. There are always some alternative things so that you can change your diet.


I think what many of us are failing to realize and I admit I was the same way at first. If there is a problem with the corn crops due to the drought, this will effect other markets. Corn isn't just something you can buy or something used in corn syrup. Its also used to feed much livestock, including chickens and cattle. So without corn to do this ranchers are finding that they may have to use alternatives which might not be recommended or lead to their livestock not getting the price they want, which means that to the consumer this could have meat prices including poultry going up as a result. Corn is also used in certain powders and make ups. I guess we don't really stop to think about the uses of corn, I know I didn't that is till now.


The droughts are not just affecting the corn but also the other grain crops. The droughts are also not just occuring here in the US. I saw on the news that Russia and romania are also experiencing severe droughts. I have started buying more beef in bulk and processing it so that we will have enough and to off set the high price. I have also been shopping chicken deals and doing the same. I went to Sam's and bought several extra 50 lb bags of wheat and corn flour while its still resonable. Hopefully prices will not climb too high over the winter and the crops will be better next year. I always try to keep a good stock of supplies on hand in case of emergency's.


We also try to keep a little extra on hand for emergencies and we have always said it is better to have and not need something than need something and not have it. I was reading an article over the weekend that said food prices went up 15% just in the month of July.


I think that there cons of this news. The farmers will have it rough trying to find corn for animal feed as beef lovers dig deeper into their pockets for the commody, in the event it become scare!
I neither love the mentioned items so I may not personally feel the effect!


I haven't heard of a shortage, but even if there was one I could always just start investing in learning how to grow my corn instead of going to the super market. Wait! I have heard that there was some problems with the corn crops scorching from the intense heat during the summer. That may have something to do with it.


Yes, Greenwoman many of the crops around the world were affected by drought and other natural disasters this year, and I am pretty sure that you will see prices for core goods rise across the world.