herbalist hut online store


Chillin Under SummerLight
you know that sounds awesome, t-shirts, herbs, seeds, books. seems like a good idea.


New Member
Awesome idea Nature! Everything natural, and T-shirts to help promote it! People are looking more and more to nature to find answers, and getting back to nature is a huge movement.


New Member
I love the idea!! It can be really hard to find a good source of herbs and herbal products.
It would be great to find a central spot for buying good quality herbal remedies and products.


It isn't as easy as it seems, I've had an online business, did well with it, but it wasn't easy.
I suppose it could be done though and quality product could be promoted. We have many members who create quality products already.


Have a great day
T-Shirts and other promo items I can do, and deal with. The other things may be more difficult for me however. If anyone is interested in some t-shirts, hats, mugs and other such goodies, I'll make a few and send them out for free. If they are received well, I can setup something for people to attain them.