Headache/Stress Pressure Point


New Member
Have you heard that you can massage the webbing between your thumb and the first finger. Start the massage where the muscle starts and massage for a minute or so. It really works especially if it's a stress headache.


New Member
I didn't know this! Thank you for sharing this I get quite a lot of stress headaches and the next time that I do I am definitely going to try this.


New Member
I have heard this but I have to be honest. I get the worse stress headaches and sinus headaches and I've tried this and it hasn't helped me at all. Either I'm not hitting the spot right on, or it does not work for everyone.


New Member
My brother-in-law taught me this one several years ago and it works wonders. Rub the area until you find the tender spot and then just keep rubbing that spot.


New Member
Thanks for the information. I often hear the benefits of massaging that spot, but I don't know if it is to cure headache and stress. In my understanding, if a spot feels painful when getting pressed, it means you have a problem with the organ related to the spot. So, is it possible to locate the right spot using the pain you feel?


All Lady
Not for a headache no, I have always massaged the temples with a little herb oil and I am set to go. After the day I have had today I might be doing this once work is over too.


New Member
I have tried similar acupressure techniques for other things but not for this. I am crippled by migraines at times, and wouldn't even have thought of trying.


New Member
I have heard about this as well. I have tried it myself but it didn't work on me. I think we need to understand the right blood vessels that affects the head because I was told that we can remove body pains by massaging the fingers and palm.