Do You Think Homemade Is Better?


I love the homemade soaps! I know the commercial products are a great thing for people if they cannot find the homemade or have time to make their own. However, I know for my skin the homemade soaps do not have any of the irritating items I cannot use.


Both my husband and I love handmade soaps. They are far superior than any commercial soaps. Our favorite are the goat milk soaps. We buy our soaps from farmer's markets, little boutique stores and also online at Etsy. I've never tried making my own soaps. It's more convenient to just buy the soaps from people who have a passion for soap making. My personal rule for buying handmade soaps is to never spend more than $1 per ounce. Anything more than that is outrageous, I think.


New Member
I don't think, I know for a fact. YES, far better. From commercial soaps sometimes I get my palms and hands dry up and my skin starts to break. It is very unpleasant and it pains me a lot, I need to use some "hand cream" so that it can heal in time.

I just got soap made my myself a few months ago, it is not as smelly and good looking as commercial ones but it cleans better, does not make a lot of bubbles and it lasts longer.

To make homemade soap you need a very big pot, animal fat and NaOH - Sodium hydroxide.


Active Member
It depends, some people have sensitive skins, some have skin issues, some want younger-looking skin, and some need to exfloliate (I can't spell). They have soaps for that at the store for a good price. Perhaps soaps like them could be made at home, but the overall cost of time and money may well make them less attractive. If you have normal skin with no issues or allergies then a homemade soap is probably fine so long as you know what went into it.
I think homemade soap would be better. I really want to start making my own. We tend forget about all of the impurities in commercial soap. Plus, I don't believe they really put all the ingredients that are in there. It's just a feeling that I have. But I guess it can't be any worse than the air we breathe.
Depends on what the soap is being used for. If I am using it to wash my body I will use the homemade soaps because I like the way they make my skin feel. However, for my dishes I will use Ivory soap to get the dishes cleaned up.


At least when you make homemade soap, you know what ingredients and can choose natural, organic things to go in it. Who knows what chemicals and preservatives are in the commercial brands you buy?
Yes, I think it is much better for your body and you skin. The only drawback of using homemade soap is that it doesn't smell as strong as the some you can buy in a store. However, I just use a little bit of scented lotion and perfume to give me that great smell after my shower.


I think it can be better for your skin. This is true of those who have eczema. You can customize things to bit your own skin. You are in control.


I think it depends on the ingredients of the homemade soap to determine if it is better. There are quality homemade and commercial, depending on the ingredients. When you make it yourself, which I have yet to do, it gives you control over the ingredients and what to use to match your skin type, and the fragrance you prefer, and of course, to leave out the harmful chemical ingredients.


I do think homemade soap is better because you know what you are putting into the soap and you can make a natural soap without all the harmful chemicals found in conventional soap. I've also found it to be cheaper per bar.


Both my husband and I love handmade soaps. They are definitely superior to commercial soaps and far better for your skin. We buy them from makers on Etsy or at little boutiques or farmer's markets. Goat milk soaps are our favorite.


Interesting, I always thought parabens were referring to paraben wax - never knew they were two very different things. That's why I never understood why people were saying a wax was bad for your health.


New Member
Homemade soaps are better because you can control the ingredients. I wish I had the time to make my own, but I don't. So, I usually use Castile soap or Raw African soap. I sometimes use original Ivory because the rest of my family uses it.


My neighbour down the road makes rendered pig fat soap. She has got quite good at it. At the beginning it was awful and smelt like animal fat. Now she has made it a little easier to use. It stings the eyes a lot which I'm not happy about. I prefer soaps made using vegetable oils. I buy a commercial one sold at a supermarket which I prefer over a lot of other soaps I have used. I pay $2 a bar but it is locally made and has nice ingredients.


Homade is usually better just becasue you know whats in it. SOme store bought soaps such as dove are very good for your skin but I agree that homemade is alot better ;)


It depends on the ingredients you use to make the soap. It is not better if you make the soap using more or less the same ingredients as manufactured soap. If you use natural ingredients it is obviously much better for you.
This is what I was going to say. I have seen recipes for soap that actually had lye in them. I do like the idea of making my own, however, because I can then control what is in the soap and keep it all natural.


This is what I was going to say. I have seen recipes for soap that actually had lye in them. I do like the idea of making my own, however, because I can then control what is in the soap and keep it all natural.
I can't use unnatural soap because my skin reacts badly. When I use unnatural soap I develop dry skin patches on my upper arms and it starts to itch. My eczema completely disappeared within a few weeks after I stopped using unnatural soap.
Whilst I personally have never made my own soap, I have tried soap made by a friend. I did prefer it, and the thing I found most improved was the dryness of skin. Commercial soap seems to be terrible for my skin, but the soap I got from my friend didn't present that problem.


New Member
I believe that homemade soap is so much better than what we can purchase in stores, if you read the ingredients on those items half of them I can`t even pronounce so I don`t want to put them on my body!