Cereal is fattening?


I read an article online today about foods that make you fat. Cereal was listed as a food that can make you fat because many cereals contain unhealthy ingredients and high levels of sugar. I personally think it depends on the particular type of cereal. Of course Lucky Charms is going to be fattening, but I don't think organic cereals with a couple ingredients (like bran or flaxseed cereal) are unhealthy. The article also mentioned that milk is very fattening, but the media tries to portray it as the opposite.


Active Member
One of the healthiest drinks in the world is milk. You will always have opponents to its usefulness or health benefits as they have something else that they want you to drink. Then you have people that see fat and erroneously associate it with something that should be avoided. The body needs fats, calcium, iron Vitamin D, and many of the things that milk provides more than it doesn't.


Well of course not all cereal is fattening but a lot of it is. Lucky Charms for one, I'm not sure about Kashi though. You should also use fat free milk instead of whole or 2%. I can think of a lot of fatty cereals.


There are a lot of sugary cereals but there are some healthy ones, too. I think it depends on the certain cereal. We don't eat a lot of cereal but use 2% milk on it when we do. We recently tried almond milk on cereal and that is really good!


Cereal is marketed to appeal to kids. Of course it's going to be sugary, sweet and unhealthy. Kashi is fairly healthy as is rice crispies and rasin bran. Always use whole milk unless you are getting most of your nutrients elsewhere. Ideally, unpasteurized whole milk is the best. Pasteurization kills many of the "good" things in whole milk.


There is no way healthy cereal could be fattening. They must certainly mean sugary sweetened, artificial flavor filled, cereals. If you buy organic cereals, I can't see them making you fat.


It is unfair to lump ALL cereals as unhealthy. There are some that are actually packed full of vitamins, nutrients, fibers, and whole grain. Of course cereal like Lucky Charms, Fruit Pebbles, etc will lead to making you fat, yes. But others are a fine choice. As with everything else, in moderation.
You just need to check the labels of what you are buying. You want something with some fiber and very little or no sugar in it, which of course eliminates all the good stuff. ;) And I don't care what they say about milk; milk is good for you! You have to remember that there are good fats and bad fats.
I think it depends on the kind of cereal you purchase. There's healthy cereals with organic ingredients and no artificial coloring. My favorite brand is "Moms Best". They are relatively cheap and completely organic.


There are a lot of cereal brands and types to choose from. Some of them are really high in sugar, but I believe that there are those who can be considered healthy. I choose cereals which have fiber and made from whole grains.


I read an article online today about foods that make you fat. Cereal was listed as a food that can make you fat because many cereals contain unhealthy ingredients and high levels of sugar. I personally think it depends on the particular type of cereal. Of course Lucky Charms is going to be fattening, but I don't think organic cereals with a couple ingredients (like bran or flaxseed cereal) are unhealthy. The article also mentioned that milk is very fattening, but the media tries to portray it as the opposite.
A lot of generic cereals that we all know and love contains high amounts of sugar which can be stored as fat in the body if there is too much intake. Kashi makes pretty good cereal that is high protein and fiber. I use whole milk because of more calories and fat but I'm trying to bulk up right now. Almond milk or soy is a good alternative for reduced calories ^_^.


Not all cereal is fattening but most of them have a lot of sugar in it. I still eat them though, because I love caption crunch. Try Special K if you are trying to lose weight or just slim down.


The only cereal I like is Cheerios. I especially like Honey Nut Cheerios. It's very, very rare though that I eat Cheerios as I'm not a cereal lover. I'm not even a breakfast lover. As for milk, I don't drink it at all. I haven't liked it since I had my tonsils out in kindergarten. If there's milk left over in the bowl after eating Cheerios, it gets dumped in the sink instead my drinking it. I wonder if Cheerios is on the list of fattening cereals?

raw butterfly

New Member
I would definitely agree that it will depend on the cereal.

A better alternative though, would be a bowl of fruit in the morning. I've been having that for the last week or more, and I love it now! I chop up a banana, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi and cherries into a bowl, and mix them together. Of course you can pick whatever fruit you want, it'll still be a great breakfast. :)


New Member
I suggest you stick with Special K or some weight loss cereal. I gained a lot of weight eating cereal because they pack it with way too much sugar now but its good though.


New Member
I sure hope cereal isn't too fattening. I just love having a midnight bowl all to myself. It's almost better than ice cream. Of course I have mine with soy milk and it's usually raisin bran or frosted mini wheats. High fiber and [relatively] healthy...


Cereals are not good for you, even the 'healthy' cereals with no added sugar or fat. The reason being is that cereals will be converted to glucose, which will raise blood sugar levels and trigger an insulin response. Insulin promotes fat gain.
Oh no, not my cereal. I absolutely love cereal. I try to stick with Corn Flakes, but I will admit to breaking down and eating Frosted Flakes. There I said it. lol!! The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem!


Everything can make you fat if you eat enough quantities of it. Saying that some food can make you fat is completely out of context. There are bacon and eggs based diets where calorie count is kept very low so there is no possibility of gaining weight. I'm not saying these are healthy but just giving you an example of how things work.


I don't think regular adult Cereals like Total, Raisin Bran, and Grape Nuts are very fattening,
but Fruit Loops, and Rice Krispie Treats...are totally fattening and unnecessary.