Beginner soap making recipes


New Member
I want to start making soap but I would like to start out with the easiest soaps to make. I would love for this thread to be for all beginner soap making recipes people can think up. Thanks!


New Member
The one I use is :
3 lbs Crisco Shortening
6 oz Lye
12 oz of Water

Melt Shortening, Add Lye to water, let both cool to 90 degrees and add the lye solution to the fat solution and stir until trace.


New Member
Please remember to run all of your ingredients through a lye calculator. Typos can & do occur :)

Here's two very good ones (& they're FREE)
Lye Calculator

And, remember that "trace" is not just emulsion. Trace has many stages, but your soap batter should be the consistency of thin cake batter, possibly even pudding, but much thicker & you will be glopping & smashing your soap into it's mold...don't ask me how I know that little tidbit

Also remember that soap batter gets HOT as it is turning into soap, so make sure your mold can handle the heat, the cheap ones at Michael's most likely can't handle it & they will melt. A good thing to use starting out is a shoe box or paper milk carton, lined with butcher or parchment paper. If butcher paper, line with the shiny side towards the soap. The heat can be prevented by putting the soap in the fridge, but it will take longer to cure.