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  1. E

    Puppies everywhere!

    In these economic times, their chances of making it out of the shelter aren't very good. I just wish more people would be responsible with their pets. I'm so glad these little ones made it to someone's doorstep who will see that they have homes.
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    buying a friends car

    I did this years ago but would approach it differently now. The first time I hesitated negotiating the way I would with a stranger. I ended up paying more than I would have otherwise.
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    Reading for relaxation

    For me, one of the most relaxing, stress-relieving activities is reading. There just isn't anything else that focuses my mind and gives me the kind of downtime I get from being engrossed in a good book.
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    Tired of election season

    It's definitely looking like that person is Romney. Something could change, but if it doesn't happen in South Carolina, then it probably won't. I really hope that a third party candidate enters the race.
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    Found the cutest Craft Store

    It would be nice if there were more "mom and pop" stores that supported local artisans. I've noticed the same thing with people setting up shop on Facebook. Shipping can be an issue, though. Products such as jewelry seem to do better because they're small and weigh so little.
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    Tired of election season

    I have a feeling that even some of the candidates think the others are crazy. It would be entertaining if it wasn't a little scary. After all, one of these candidates will probably end up president.
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    preservatives in health and beauty products

    One of the most common preservatives is benzalkonium chloride. You find it in eyedrops and nasal sprays quite often. I'm not sure if it's toxic, but I've read conflicting reports about how long it can safely be used. You also see it called BKC. Has anyone noticed this preservative in the...
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    Carcinogenic compounds in cosmetics

    I always avoid getting anything that contains dyes. If you check the ingredients, you might see a color (usually red, green, or yellow) followed by a number. Sometimes, it has a prefix with some combination of the letters F, D, and C. From what I've read, those are suspected carcinogens.
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    Don't settle

    I feel that a lot of women, and probably a lot of men, settle for something less because they're so anxious to have someone - anyone - even if it's a relationship that isn't good for them. Everyone is different, but some people are just not wired to be alone. That makes them rush into...
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    Computer virus!

    Thanks for the heads up. Are the viruses showing up anywhere in particular? I am always very cautious about clicking on links especially on social media sites and in emails. My computer once got a virus because I clicked on something disguised as a Windows security program.
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    Does anyone watch Downton Abbey?

    The characters are so vivid and true-to-life thanks to great acting and great writing. It usually takes me awhile to get drawn into a story, but I was hooked from the first episode. You won't get bored. That's for sure. Everything moves quickly but without any gaps in the story.
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    Hot or cold process?

    I've read a little about cold process and hot process for making soap. Apparently, the cold process method gives you a softer bar. Are there any other differences in the results? Which is the best method for soap-making beginners?
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    answering machine best invention ever

    I can't believe there was a time I actually answered the phone every time it rang. Working at home, I would never get anything done now if that was the case. There are lots of times when I call someone when I'm actually glad to get the answering machine instead. One-way communication has its perks!
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    Let's eat red grapes

    Red grapes also contain reservatrol. That's a phytonutrient which I think is just another name for a substance that contains nutrients. At any rate, it's found in plants and I believe that red and the darker grapes have it. From what I remember, white or green grapes don't contain resveratrol...
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    Tired of whining

    Getting back into a routine after Christmas is rough. Kids especially seem to hate it after being off from school for a couple of weeks. The weather being so cold is a big part of it. It's harder to want to get up and out the door in January than it is going back to school after summer vacation.
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    Most of my candles have a very subtle scent. Even with several burning at once, the scent has never bothered me. Maybe it's because they are cinammon which is a scent I love. Knocking on wood, our area has very few blackouts and they generally last only a few hours. With most of them during the...
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    Raw honey for allergies

    I can't handle other people's dogs or cats. Maybe you begin to build an immunity to certain substances when you're exposed to them on a regular basis. When I am around an animal that's not normally a part of my environment, my allergies immediately get worse. I don't know if it's dander or...
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    Heart Disease and Gender

    Does it seem that women are "catching up" to men when it comes to heart disease? If that's the case, I wonder if it reflects on the increased expectations of women in today's society. With two-income families a necessity in many households, women shoulder so much more responsbility than they...
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    Natural Fibers

    Some people have extremely sensitive skin. Apparently synthetic fiibers are more apt to bother them than natural materials. Allergies can be another issue. I've read of instances where people who wear synthetic hair weaves have had reactions including swelling.
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    Fidgeting is good

    I don't fidget as much as I did when I was younger, but I still do it sometimes. When I find myself fidgeting these days, it's usually because I'm stressed. I guess we all do it when we're standing in line or waiting for someone to answer the phone.