Recent content by lettuce

  1. lettuce

    Higher doses of Vitamin D prevent fractures in older women.

    It's always important to balance your calcium intake with Vitamin D, otherwise it may not be absorbed fully or properly. You can get it from the sun, orange juice, milk, supplements, etc.
  2. lettuce

    lift weights

    Lifting weights is always a good idea if you're looking to get lean and burn more calories overall. It takes more dedication than simply hopping on the treadmill, though.
  3. lettuce

    Coffee as a Decongestant in Colds, Flu and Asthma

    I haven't heard of this, but it sounds kind of counter-intuitive if you ask me. Any decongesting properties are perhaps cancelled out by caffeine's diuretic/dehydrating effect.
  4. lettuce

    Drinking Coconut Water After Workout

    I think just plain water and maybe a healthy snack are all you need. Drinking your calories through "enhanced" liquids is unnecessary. Plus, coconut water is by no means convenient.
  5. lettuce

    In an emergency this makes an awesome candle

    We don't own any Crisco, but this sounds interesting. I think it's important to always be stocked up on candles/batteries/flashlights so you don't have to resort to cooking grease in a storm!
  6. lettuce

    Sex Appeal

    You can practice being more confident in your own skin. I think it's important to love the way you look and feel sexy, because being self-concious holds you back in more places than just the bedroom.
  7. lettuce

    Positive Thinking

    I think it does pay to be positive. Granted, you don't have to be overly or falsely positive, just see the good in any situation that arises. If that's not possible, it's still not the end of the world. Time can fix things where a positive attitude can't.
  8. lettuce

    Slow aging?

    No because your body is already designed with systems to eliminate toxins naturally. If they weren't there, you wouldn't be alive. Going on crazy juice fasts doesn't do anything. Concentrate on healthy eating instead to witness a difference.
  9. lettuce

    Dog Ice Pop

    I love treating my pooch to homemade treats such as this! This is a really ingenious idea that won't set you back at the pet store, either.
  10. lettuce

    Reasons to quite smoking

    I figure you need to force yourself to get into the habit in the first place. If you're educated before you even begin, it won't be that tempting. Same goes for other unhealthy habits like drinking.
  11. lettuce


    I don't enjoy bartering and avoid it unless I am dealing with someone selling something not in a store. It seems pretty tacky to try and fight retailers for a lower price on everyday items, although I know this is customary in other countries.
  12. lettuce

    I would love to find a candle that smells like chlorine

    We all have our lot of "strange" things we are attracted to ether by sight or by smell. I've never heard of a chlorine-scented candle, but then again, we have the Internet, where you will be able to find anything if it exists!
  13. lettuce

    Birth control

    Actually, the Pill has been linked to protecting you from certain cancers, not harming you. You shouldn't go off of birth control until you are no longer able to have children. If you're tired of the Pill, there are many, many other options.
  14. lettuce

    Six Week Body Make Over?

    I've never heard of it. I think if anyone can commit to some kind of diet/workout plan for six straight weeks, then they are making progress no matter which route they choose.
  15. lettuce

    What your feet say about your health

    Who knew there were so many ailments when it comes to your feet? This article lists 18 of them to watch out for. Do you suffer from any of these conditions?