Valor Oil


New Member
Last night my yoga instructor used valor oil on the backs of our necks. Anyone else use this? We were meditating in Savasana and I felt like it worked wonders to help relax more. I also heard it is good to use during the Lunar cycle.
I am wanting to get some.


New Member
I have never heard of valor oil before. Of course I am in to anything that is for relaxation. I would love to hear some more personal experiences with it.
Oh I would love to hear more about it also. I'll have to go look it up I guess because if it is suppose to help relax you then it sounds good to me. I actually haven't heard of it before though.


New Member
I forgot about valor oil, that's the best to relax. I especially liked the eye pillow and brief neck message by the yoga instructor. Thanks for bringing back good memories!