Treat Poor Eyesight


I have been near-sighted since third grade, so I would love to somehow improve my vision. There are many products on the market that claim to make your eyesight better. Which vitamins or supplements have you gotten results from?


All Lady
For my eyes nothing has really worked other than wearing my glasses when I need them, mostly for driving or heavy reading. Otherwise I am keen to not trying to damage my eyes anymore than they already are, protective glasses at the computer, doing large yard work, etc.


New Member
I would love to hear any vitamins someone has taken to help with eyesight!! I am blind as can be and would love to do something natural to help. I have had glasses and contacts forever.

Mrs. Rogers

I'd like to read more people's thoughts on natural improvement of the eyes. I'm 32 now and my eyes are steadily going downhill.


Active Member
Well the theory that carrots may improve your eye sight may be true. You should try it and it may help.
I found a website that has an interesting list of vitamins and minerals that improve eyesight. It is a really good website and I learned something new there, zinc is important to eyesight!
Vitamins That Improve Eyesight | LIVESTRONG.COM
The theory leans more towards fact due to the beta-carotene that carrots contain. Vitamin A, or lack thereof, will affect your eyesight. So, if you can find a variety of foods with Vitamin A in them, you can have a more balanced diet that will help your vision.

To decrease your chances of cataracts, you should eat as many foods with lutein and zeaxanthin in them. Examples would be kale, spinach, broccoli, among others.

One more reason to grab a bottle of Zinc and take one per day.
I have to use my glasses because I cannot find anything. I will definitely have to read the article about the vitamins. I know when I could find it Vitamin A was helping me some, but now it is hard if not impossible to locate this at my stores!


New Member
I just recently needed to start wearing glasses for near-sightedness. I am hoping to prevent them from deteriorating as much as possible. Vitamin A is definitely something that I will keep in mind. I did not know about lutein or zeaxanthin, but the foods that you mentioned that contain these vitamins are definitely very healthy. Hopefully it helps! I wish I had some information to share about this, but I will be following this topic with great interest!!


I've heard that carrots and carrot juice improve your eyesight. I don't know very much but I do know when I keep at it they do improve. I wish there was a carrot vitamin that we could take because if I drink to much carrot juice it seems to take me to the bathroom to much. I don't know if it would have the same effect on others or not. But you can try it and see what you think. I love carrot juice and maybe I was drinking to much.


Have you tried optein eye supplement?
This vitamins was heavily advertised in the national TV since 2010 and a popular near sighted actress seemed testify how it helped her eye sight. Of course they're paid for it but hope its really true.
I have had vision problems since I was in middle school. Every yearly exam just tells me that my vision gets worse each year, except one. I got into a carrot and ranch dip kick one summer and ate a TON of carrots. I don't usually care for them all that much but that year I just couldn't get enough. I had my exam done later that same summer and for the first time ever my vision had actually improved. I was shocked! I can't say that it would work for everyone and I lost the carrot kick so I am back to worse every year but it might be worth a try if you like carrots.


New Member
I have read that sweet potatoes will also improve vision.
They also make (I believe) a Centrum vitamin that aims for improving vision. As for wearing glasses, I am near-sighted, so I wear my glasses to see far. I've noticed that when I'm driving and wearing them, I can see just fine. But then when I take them off to go into a store, the difference is just terrible. It's almost as if the glasses were "spoiling" my eyes; making them a bit more lazy. I just noticed that yesterday when I was walking into Walmart. I guess your eyes don't have to try as hard when you are wearing glasses. So when you take them off, they need to re-adjust to trying to see as normally as possible again without them.