Sudden Welts


My husband scared me a bit last night. He started complaining of itching and was covered in welts within a couple hours. We tossed around the idea of going to the ER but in the end just tried Benadryl. Fortunately that did the trick and he's only got a few welts this morning. He didn't have any new foods and we haven't changed soaps or detergents or anything lately, so we are mystified.


There could be hundreds of explanations for this. Did he start any new medications recently? Don't rule out shingles. Although, I don't think Benadryl would help shingles. Maybe he was bitten by a spider. If it happens again, you better make that doctor's appointment.


That has happened to me 3-4 times. The first time it happened, I had to take Benadryl, Allegra, and Zyrtec to get it under control. Now I know to take Benadryl at the first sign of the all-over hives. That keeps it from becoming a full-blown episode. I still don't know what causes it, but I suspect it is some specific kind of pollen.


It happens to me all the time! I have to take a couple of Benadryl to get my hives under control. It could be anything that sets it off. There are so many things in our environments that change constantly after all.