Stretches for back upper legs


My Zumba class is kicking my butt. The back of my legs hurt like crazy. I need to stretch them really good. They feel so tight. Anyone have any tips for stretching this area?


At the end of my Zumba class, we do a lunge for each leg. We also put one leg out in front of the other, with the weight on the back leg and the heel of the front foot planted and the toes flexed up. Then we lean forward slightly and feel the stretch on the back of the extended leg.

We also grab one foot and pull it up towards the butt while standing on the other leg, but I think that stretches the quads more than the hamstrings.


All Lady
Are you doing enough stretching before you start to work out? I woke up today with horrible pains in my back so later today when I get to workout a bit I am going to pay special attention to my back when doing my own stretches. It is the lower right side, and it feels like someone glued all of my muscles tightly together.


My favorite leg stretches are butterfly stretches. You just sit down and put your feet together. Then you flap them slowly like butterfly wings. I also do one where I bend from the waist and just let everything hang.


All Lady
freshfoodie those are great, I tend to do a few of those after I do my sit-ups and it helps a great deal when it comes to the hip I injured after the birth of my first child. I have also noticed how much better my back feels once I stretch. I think it is the little things like this that make all of the difference.