Sprouts for Health


I enjoy eating sprouts and they're supposed to be very nutritious. Lentil sprouts are my favorite, but I like alfalfa, broccoli, and other types. Does anyone else eat sprouts? What vitamins and minerals do they contain that makes them very healthy?


Very Healthy!

I found an article about alfalfa sprouts today. It said they contain saponins that might help reduce cholesterol and are a good source of vitamin K. The list of nutrients that one serving (1 cup) provides impressed me.

They're really easy to sprout at home and are ready to eat in a few days. Have you ever tried them? If so, what did you think of them? Surely I'm not the only one here who likes sprouts!


New Member
No, I like sprouts and I too sprout them at home. How do you eat yours? Just as is or add them to salads and stuff. I am very curious as I am new to sprouting.


New Member
My favorite way to eat sprouts is in a pita with cucumbers and tomatoes. How do you grow them at home? I'd really like to start doing that because whenever I buy them from the store they spoil within a few days.


I like to eat sprouts in salads and on sandwiches. There's so many different kinds! Lentil sprouts have somewhat of a nutty flavor and the bigger seeds are a little crunchy. Alfalfa sprout seeds are smaller and the flavor is different. I'd describe it as a little bland. All are supposed to be full of nutrients.

I think sprouting them at home is actually fun. The sprouting containers that you can buy are wonderful, but you can use a glass jar and soak the seeds overnight, then pour off the water and put a cover like cheesecloth over the top. Rinse them daily until they are at the point that you like to eat them. It's so easy and the health benefits are great.