Something to help with shedding?


Is there anything you can give your dog to help stop excessive shedding? I know you can brush them but that doesn't seem to do take care of it and beside I would need to be constantly brushing our dog! I just wondered if there was something you could put in their food to maybe help slow it down a bit?


You can buy dog food that is labeled as being good for skin and coat. Most of these dog foods have added omega oil which does seem to help with shedding. It does take awhile to see results so patience is required. All dogs will shed so you are probably going to need to brush them at least weekly. Get a good brush , like the Furminator, which will get down to the undercoat. Most dog brushes do not get the undercoat.
Brush, brush, brush! Hopefully this excessive shedding will stop when the weather cools down and fall comes around. I find with my cat that wiping her down with a moist towel helps remove excess fur that the brush seems to miss.


I don't know about dogs but with my cats I shampoo and condition their fur twice a week. Its really helped with the shedding and makes them nice and soft :) I know you hate brushing but its really the best for it since it removes all the excess fur.


I will second getting the furminator brush. I've been using on my cats every day for over 2 weeks now. I swear...the first day I brushed them, I got enough loose fur off of them that I could have made another cat out of it. I kid you not! Now I find that there is less furn on my couch and floor. I love it and they love me brushing them with it.


Dogs shed their hair due to changes in temperature, they no longer need the extra hair during summer and shed to keep cool. It might also be diet related, ensure your dog is fed good quality food - protein and essential fatty acids.


New Member
I'm with everyone who said the Furminator. I finally got one, although we've always had brushes for the cats. But this brush- this one is special! It really pulls out all the extra hair. If I use it every few days, then the in-between days I can pets the cats without them shedding all over me.


Regular baths (With both shampoo and conditioner) and daily brushing should help but ultimately dogs are going to shed and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It's part of what they are.


New Member
Some breeds naturally shed more than others. Check with your vet or do some research yourself to see if your dog is one of them. Ask your vet if it is really excessive or not. If it's normal for the breed, there is nothing that is going to change that.


I have added omega 3 oil to our pets diet as well as adding an extra bit of protein in the form of cooked chicken and rice at least twice a week. It's helped a bit and I third the recommendation for the Furminator! I have a Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix and he sheds constantly! After using the Furminator and the diet changes, he sheds a LOT less!


Brush your dog every day and switch your dog food or add some Omegas into your dog's diet for a healthy coat. You can buy some fish oil and just pour it over his or her food to get those Omegas in.