Return to foods that you gave up on


Have you ever cut something out of your diet (soda, sugar, refined carbs) and then consumed it again after some time? Did you find that you lost the taste for it, or was it like welcoming back an old friend?
I've had both experiences, actually. A few years ago I gave up coffee and alcohol for a two-week fast. I welcomed them back with open arms, haha! On the flip side, though, I've given up white flour, and now whenever I have white bread it tastes horribly bland to me compared to the whole grain nutty goodness I usually have.


I once tried giving up on fast food meals such as French fries, burgers, and chicken nuggets, but it wasn't a success. I found myself craving for these foods though only once in a while.


Active Member
Nope, I don't give up on foods instead I cut back on the amount or the times I consume them. All things in moderation, all things in moderation.


Active Member
I have "given" up on foods when I hit a weight loss plateau. Just to throw my body off and make it react to something different. Once, I decided that I would give up meat, just to see what would happen. I had no set time limit as I didn't think I'd make it.

But, I smashed through that plateau and lasted a lot longer than I thought I would. When I returned to meat, I didn't gain the weight back either. Sometimes, you just want to do something different, if for no other reason than to see how your body responds to it.


New Member
I used to do a lot of diets, that involve cutting out carbs and sugar for weeks. And all it does is backfire because every time I go back to my regular diet, I tend to binge and crave for my favorite 'junk' food even more. So I had to learn to keep everything in moderation.
I gave up soda, fast food, sweets and meat about a year ago. To prevent myself from craving foods I allow myself to have one treat (except meat) on Friday .


I've had it go both ways before, too. On one hand, the things that I had cut out and greatly missed (like cheese), it was like meeting my first love all over again and wanting every moment with them, lol. With others, it was about cutting out bad habits and after the habit itself was broken, I really had no cravings for those items again.
I have given up fast food and soda. I had a soda today and all that I felt was pain in my teeth, but also caused me to have some heartburn.


I have cut out grains and milk from my diet. I ate ice cream 6 months after abstaining from milk and I suffered from chronic bloating and diarrhea after eating the ice cream. I avoid sugar and grains, except for cheat meals, but I usually feel hungover after eating a big cheat meal.
I quit eating deep-fried foods when I first started losing weight. Now I will have them on occasion and they just don't taste the same to me. I find that other things that are healthier taste better to me than the fried foods. I don't really miss them at all.


I've had both experiences, actually. A few years ago I gave up coffee and alcohol for a two-week fast. I welcomed them back with open arms, haha! On the flip side, though, I've given up white flour, and now whenever I have white bread it tastes horribly bland to me compared to the whole grain nutty goodness I usually have.
Lol, ditto with me too! I could never fully give up coffee and wine. Every time I did for health or spiritual reasons, I couldn't wait to go back to having them again. And just like you, once I gave up white bread, I now just can't get myself to eat it.
Unfortunately for me, I have given up foods and then become even more sensitive to them than I was before. This has happened to me with gluten, soy, corn, and dairy. I was allergic to all of those things and having health issues because of it. I had read that some people are able to give up the offending foods, heal, and then reintroduce them in small amounts, but in my case the sensitivity increased. I can only assume that these foods are poisonous to my body because of a genetic disposition or some other reason. They aren't foods that I particularly miss anyway, so I usually don't think much of it. Gluten in general is just crap and so is soy, although I wouldn't mind being able to reintroduce small amounts of organic yogurt one day. The last time I attempted to eat yogurt my entire throat swelled up and I broke out in a rash. No thanks.