

New Member
I have been having a hard time lately staying regular. Is there any Vitamin that will help with this? I'm not talking a boy detox, I mean something that will keep me regular from now on.


New Member
There might be an herbal remedy for that but the very best thing for becoming and staying regular is making sure that you are getting enough fiber for you body.


New Member
Yes, fiber - and magnesium. But especially fiber. The standard American diet is very deficient in fiber. The recommended amount (which is low) is 25g, and most Americans get about 5g on average! Some good sources of fiber include oatmeal, beans (dried, prepared), Bush's Vegetarian Baked Beans (one of my favorites!) and fruits with the skins intact (such as apples and pears) or with the pulp (citrus). Fiber supplements are also available, but it is better to get fiber from whole foods whenever possible.


New Member
I would advise you to go for fruit juice therapy. It's simple and effective too. Take fruit juices in the mornings and lunch rich in fiber. That way it supplies the required intake of fiber. Moreover, fruit juices cleanses your system and effectively detoxes your body.