Reactions herbs vs. med's


All Lady
Part of the reason I prefer to treat herbal rather than prescription is the lack of side effects you deal with. Another reason is price, even with insurance the last prescriptions I had to get, had I not used insurance would have been over four hundred dollars. With insurance it was about a 1/4th of that. How many people actually experience any (bad) reactions to treatments via herbs? I have yet to hear of a case myself.


I was using Chasteberry, and developed a mild rash from it. Allergic reactions are not all that uncommon when taking herbs. Herbs are plants, and there are plenty of plants that people are allergic to.


Herbs can have side effects, but I agree with you, Chabella. The side effects are rarely as serious as what is possible with pharmaceuticals. I saw a commercial last night for Celebrex and the list of complications that can occur was longer than the rest of the commercial and include life-threatening effects. I am not sure I would rather risk death than deal with arthritis pain some other way.


All Lady
I have actually taken Celebrex after my car wreck (almost a decade ago) and it was not anything I would recommend even to my worst enemy. I was on that with a mix of about four other medicines, 2 of them were pain killers and I spent the better part of a year walking around like a Zombie. :(


Yes, herbs can have side effects just like meds do. Some of them can be poisonous, some can cause abnormal functions of some organs. But I agree that they're not as bad as meds when it comes to severity of side effects.