Parsley for Bloating


Did you know that parsley has a diuretic effect on your system. If you are feeling bloated, you can take a bit of parsley and see if it doesn't cause you to get rid of the extra water. So next time you eat out and they put parsley on your plate as a garnish, eat it and you will feel much better.


I had forgotten about parsley being a diuretic. I do know that dandelion is a diuretic. You can have it as tea or have it in salads.


That's interesting because I love parsley. How much of it do you have to eat before it has a noticeable effect? I'm thinking a pesto made with parsley would be delicious.


really? wow, I could have used that a few months ago.....medical issues causing serious swelling......will try next time.


Wow I didn't know that but definitely making a note of it. I currently take a prescription water pill to reduce fluid in my body but I need to give this natural remedy a try. Is it best to get the parsley fresh and boil to make a tea or do they sell tea bags? I've heard dandelion root is sold in tea bag form.


Its also a very strong anti-oxident and can help counteract the effects of tobacco and barbecue smoke. It has an anti-coagulant effect. Because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin it can help prevent macular degeneration. Its also a good source for vitamin C , iron, potassium and folate. All these can help with menstal cramps and fluid retention.The ancients used it as a breath freshener.


That is nice to know that parsley can get rid of that bloat. I am going to try it and keep using it all the time. I only thought it was for breath refreshing but with all those benefits, I will be doing this all the time. It is so nice to know that there are others that know a lot about natural effects of a healthy plant that is good for all of us.