Out with the old


New Member
I have finally brought my significant other around to my way of thinking, which is if you haven't used it in 6 months or longer then you probably are not going to. Now I just need to get him to stick to it and get rid of stuff.


That is fantastic, just keep him motivated by making it a group project that the 2 of you can do together. Maybe even put some of the nicer stuff aside for Ebay, Craigslist or a yard sale.


New Member
That is a great way to keep things from cluttering up and not having room for other things. You probably just need to do this about every six months to keep it that way. And make sure he gets in on it too. :)


New Member
I am constantly getting rid of the old stuff. I have a rule that for every new thing that comes in the house, 2 have to leave. It usually works out pretty well.