New Miracle Weight Loss Supplement?


I was watching Dr. Oz online recently and came across a three-part series of video clips where he talks about Garcinia Cambogia. Have any of you heard of this? It's an all natural supplement and in trials, people taking it lost an average of about four pounds a month, where people taking the placebo didn't lose any weight. (No diet/exercise involved.) I thought about giving it a try, especially since it's not that expensive.


New Member
Hmmm. I have put on a little around the middle this winter and I'm trying to get it off but not having any luck. I may have to look for this supplement and see what happens. My wife tells me I don't need to lose it, but I know I'd feel better if I did.


Do you really find 4 lbs a month to be miraculous? I understand the no dieting and no exercise thing, but I wouldn't take a pill every day to lose such a small amount. You can do that just cutting the fat in your diet a little bit.


Well, I do actually think it's pretty amazing that just a pill alone could help you lost 50 pounds in a year without diet or exercise, so yeah, I do find 4 pounds a month to be miraculous. When you combine reasonable diet and exercise, if the pill really works, you could easily double or even triple that to 8-12 pounds a month, or upwards of 100-150 pounds in a year.


I've never heard of it but I wouldn't take it in any case. I know that if I put my mind to it, I can easily lose a couple of pounds in a week. I lost more than 21 pounds last Summer over six months and I didn't deprive myself or take any supplements, just cut down on on the butter and cheese a little.


I am not familiar with this Garcinia Cambogia, and I am usually skeptical of pills that make you lose weight without proper diet and sufficient exercise. Nevertheless, if the pill is all-natural and does help you get rid of some pounds, then I guess it may not be that bad after all.


All Lady
After losing the weight I did with hard work, exercise and common sense I can truly say without a doubt I do not believe it is possible to lose weight safely, while doing nothing. If it were that simple everyone would be doing it and I really have an unsettling feeling when people mix pills with "do nothing".


The main thing that people don't get is that calories add weight not some mystical processes. Therefore you need to reduce calories. Miracle supplements are designed just to help you with this process, for example, by killing appetite and rising you motivation and energy for exercise.