My Chiopractor is my Friend


Just got home from the Chiopractor and am a little uncomfortable right now. My hands and arms were going to sleep on me and he has fixed me right up. I try to go see him once a month whether I need to or not just to stay in alignment. Obviously, I haven't been in a while. He's wonderful and the adjustments work. I'll feel much better tomorrow.


Awesome! I love how I feel after going to mine and it kills me to see people in pain that could really benefit that refuse to go. There are so many benefits and hope others will educate themselves and try it out!


I have had great results going to a chiropractor, and am very glad that I have gone to one when I did. I think the thing that makes people not want to go to one is that they think that all a chiropractor does is adjust the body by yanking it around. Nothing could be further from the truth, chiropractors use all sorts of therapy to help an individual in pain. I have had various types of therapy from ultra sonic to massage therapy while seeing a chiropractor. I can highly recommend visiting one for severe pain, when the only alternative a doctor can give you is a pain pill.