More Vegetables


I've been eating more vegetables lately and it's definitely been good for me. The first day was a bit rough, as my digestive system adjusted to more fiber, but since then I've been more regular and just generally feel better. It's amazing how quickly it made a difference.


I love vegetables. I wonder how people who don't eat veggies get all their nutrients. Supposedly, they are better for you when raw but I do love them roasted and steamed. How do you like yours SoftRain?


Good for you! I have always been a vegetable eater, and I'm happy to be such. I mean, I don't need to 'force' myself to include more veggies in my diet. As for your question, Primrose, I usually have them steamed. :)


I eat a lot more vegetables than I do meat. Actually I eat tons more vegetables since I have been told to increase my protein intake last doctor's visit. I have chosen to do it by eating more milk products than meat since meat doesn't always agree with me. I think I was born an herbivore. ;)


You can always add some plant-based proteins like beans, Aletha. Even adding garbanzo beans to your salad will give you a boost in protein and don't forget about nuts and seeds.


I usually eat my vegetables steamed just because it's so easy to do, but I really prefer them roasted. I should make more of an effort to eat them that way. Sometimes I eat raw vegetables as part of lunch.