Meniscus relief


Mu husband tore his meniscus and it is unable to be surgically repaired. He finds a lot of discomfort from it. Is there anything he can do to alleviate some of that?


New Member
That's a real bummer when you mess up your knee like that. Is he sure it can't be fixed with surgery? I think sometimes you can put ice packs on it try to rest it as much as possible and you can also wear one of those elastic knee bandages. Hope it feels better soon.


Ouch what a huge pain. Yes there are ways to assist. As to taking the pain completely away, doubtful. He needs to be very aware of his injury allowing it plenty of them to heal. Physical Therapy is very helpful once the knee is ready for it.

You can use analgesic and anti-inflammatory herbs, create a salve to rub on the knee, or even teas. Epsom salt soaks or even comfrey poultice.