

New Member
Have you heard of this fruit? It isn't anything like a mango, but is rather fruit with sections like an orange, but without the pulp. It contains some nutritional powerhouses that help the body work like it's intended to. There is an MLM called Xango that sells it as a juice, but we have discovered that capsules available online are just as effective at a much lower price.


New Member
I have only seen Mangosteen in a nestea singles drink mix. It seems to taste alright but I did not know it was similar to an orange, I too figured it was like a mango.


New Member
I have never heard of this fruit. What properties does it have? Anything specific? I friend of mine is having problems with tiredness would this boost her energy? Is this fruit easy to find?


New Member
It isn't easy to find as a fruit, as it does not keep well (therefore does not ship well). It does not grow in the USA, so people in the USA can only get it in capsule form or juice form.
Where does it grow? Is it a tree? We grow a lot of plants in this country that aren't native to it. Is it possible that you could buy a start of Mangosteen and grow it yourself?