Making your own juice.


New Member
Does anyone here make their own juice? It seems like it would be so much better than something store bought with sugar and preservatives. Do you have a juicer? What are some of your favorite combinations?


Have a great day
Yup, living in Florida it is hard not too. So many orange and grapefruit plants around. I've tried to make the veggie juices too. But it has been forever since I have tried. I do remember there where some tasty veggie juices, and more that where not so good.


New Member
Yes, my mom used to make juice. Some of my favorite combinations were carrots, celery, apples, pineapple and bananas. It was a nice alternative to store brought juice.


New Member
Yes, getting both a juicer and blender, I usually make my own juice. My favorite is carrot juice, but I like to combine pineapples with avocados or bananas. Ripped pineapples are very sweet so that you don't need to add sugar in your juice.


New Member
Yea, I make my own juice. I have a blender at home and I get fruits from the market. I put them in a blender and the juice is ready. I make all kinds of juices like mango juice, orange juice, banana juice and so on. I really enjoy the juice made at home.


New Member
I bought a juicer at a rummage sale, Does anyone have some good recipes for juice, or is it better to just do trial and error?


New Member
I got a juicer not too long ago and I love it! I make a veggie combination drink out of celery, carrots, and tomatoes, it is similar to V8 but so much healthier without all the additives and preservatives.


New Member
I have food sensitivity issues so almost everything store prepared has something in it that bothers me. I would love to make my own v8 juice as well as other juices, could anyone recommend a good website?


New Member
I have been eyeing that blender/juicer thing being sold by Montel Williams. It looks great (they always do on tv! LOL!) and leaves all the good stuff in, like the fiber and stuff. But, it is supposed to emulsify everything so it isn't pulpy.

Has anyone tried it? I would love to make my own juice, but I didn't have good luck with my blender. It was kind of-well-thick and I didn't like it.


All Lady
I really hate grapefruit (no idea why) and I am not too fond of oranges (or tangerines). What are some other options that are you good for me?


New Member
You can try strawberry and banana. If the fruit and veggie juice comes out too thick, try adding vanillah yogurt. Tomatoes will add liquid to veggie juices.


Apples and grapes are good for juicing and so are almost any fruits and vegetables. Parsley is very nutritious, so we usually juice a bit of it in our vegetable juices.

We don't have any recipes and just use whatever we have on hand. I'd be interested in getting some recipes, though, if anyone has any that they'd recommend.