Lemon Water


I like to drink water with lemon in it and sometimes add a touch of sugar or sweet n low. I guess you could call it "Lemonade"? I've read that lemon water is suppose to be good for you, does anyone else here like to drink this?


I am sick with a cold at the moment, and drinking lemon water right now. I think it is delicious and an easy way to add a little more vitamin C to my diet.


Ever since I read that this is a great way to begin the day, I have taken a glass of water with lemon juice before breakfast. I like the fresh, clean taste and it does seem to help regulate my appetite.


I tried adding a little lemon essential oil to my water once. It tasted good and was doubtless beneficial, but etched into the plastic cup. I forgot I should've used glass.


I read that warm water and lemon juice first thing in the morning is an effective cleansing tonic. I have done it for stretches of time in the past, and I must say it provides a pleasant energy boost that I wasn't expecting.


I have a new-found respect for citrus fruits and vitamin C. What you just wrote here, Hedda, convinced me to try lemon water in the morning. I will take my energy boosts from wherever I can get them.


I love to drink water with lemon but I don't like it sweetened at all. In fact this is about the only way I will drink water at all. It is definitely my drink of choice when we are out and about.


Ever since I read that this is a great way to begin the day, I have taken a glass of water with lemon juice before breakfast. I like the fresh, clean taste and it does seem to help regulate my appetite.
One of my workmates swears by drinking a glass of water with lemon juice as a healthy way to start the day out. She says that it promotes digestions and helps flush out toxins.