Lemon to alkalinize


New Member
An alkaline body is a healthy body. When our bodies become acidic, disease occurs. Often, drinking water is acidic. To neutralize this, squeeze lemon into your water. It's tasty too!


All Lady
What do you do though when you are not that fond of lemons to begin with? It is not really something I prefer in anything, including sweet tea.


Drinking water is acidic. Lemon is highly alkaline and very good for you. I drink warm lemon water in the morning and when I am fasting. It is an excellent natural cleanser. I absolutely love lemons, big unwaxed lemons!


An alkaline body is a healthy body. When our bodies become acidic, disease occurs. Often, drinking water is acidic. To neutralize this, squeeze lemon into your water. It's tasty too!
Water is actualy neutral at 7.0 on the scale. But I agree that lemon water is great for you. I often drink a warm tea with lemon in the mornings. lemons are extremely high in Vitamin C. Its also a wonderful anti-oxident. The rutin in it helps strengthen veins and helps regulate fluids, especially in the legs. It contains disinfecting qualitys and is also great as an insectacide. It also is great in marinades to soften meats.


New Member
Water is actually different from every source. Maybe pure water is 7.0, but my tap water is not. It is about 6.4. Water we get from a well a few miles away is another pH.

There are lots of foods that are alkaline like almost all green veggies. If you don't like lemons, try eating more raw greens.

You can also add baking soda..., but.....EWW! :eek:

raw butterfly

New Member
There are many things that are alkalizing to the body. Almost every raw fruit and vegetable is alkalizing; but some more then others. Watermelon is one of the most alkalizing foods, so it's a great replacement for lemons if you don't like them.

Here's a great site I found. It lists many alkalzing and acid forming foods. If you scroll down to the bottom it also shows you the various PH levels. http://www.i-amperfectlyhealthy.com/acid-alkalinefoodlist.html

raw butterfly

New Member
Citrus fruits are acidic, but they have an alkalizing effect on the body. Basically when your body is alkaline, your systems can function properly and you remain in good health. Whole natural foods like fruits and vegetables help your body stay alkaline and healthy.


Green tea is on the list of good alkaline items to add to your diet to keep your body in good health.


Just remeber to keep yourself balanced. You don't want to be too alkaline. The body has its own acid base buffer system. If you creat too much either way it stresses the body trying to maintain a balance.
I'm one of the few people that loves lemons. This a good tip to know, I also drink water with lemon a few times a week just because I like my water zesty.
I did not know this. I loved lemons. I used to peel them and eat them like an orange. People used to look at me real strange. lol!! It makes my mouth water just thinking about it.


Some studies have shown that shifting nutrition towards more alkaline foods can help with treating some severe health conditions. I like the tip, thank you.


A coworker of mine was always eating lemon wedges on the job (we were servers). At one point though, her mouth and tongue became very swollen from doing that all the time. Who only knows what it was doing to her tooth enamel as well though. But that was a more extreme case.


New Member
This thread is really inspiring. I bought a lemon about a week ago to squeeze into my water and unrefined sea salt since it was stated that it adds even more nutrients and also helps balance out the salty taste. I only used it once. For some reason I get good information and will start implementing what I've learned, but I only do it for a day or two. However, it's good to know that watermelon is very alkalizing because I eat that a lot already.
I just wanted to clear up something about acid/alkaline that I feel like many people don't understand. Beckyv1265 is right that our bodies have ways of keeping the balance. People tend to think that we are simply acid or alkaline, but actually, people are only literally acidic when they are very sick or near death. The body has ways of protecting against acidity.

Here's the catch: In order to prevent going acidic, the body has to use up massive stores of vital electrolytes, such as calcium. When we are constantly in a state of leaning toward acidity (because of stress, bad diet, environmental toxins, or other reasons), we are leaching calcium, magnesium and other electrolytes out of our system. We are wasting important nutrients that we need for other things. Constantly being acidic will lead to nutrient deficiencies over time.

This is why adding in things to alkalinize our bodies is so very important. While it is true that one can become over alkaline, this isn't a problem that most of us are ever going to run into. There are simply too many things in our every day life that push us toward the acidic side. Stress is very acidic. And unless you're a raw vegan living in a rainforest eating only berries and greens, your diet probably is as well. Even many foods that people think of as healthy, such as rice, beans and nuts, are acidic. We get plenty on the acid side, so we need to constantly be fueling the alkaline side. Lemon water, deep breathing, laughing a lot, exercise, and eating a healthy diet rich in greens are all great ways to do this.