just for ladies


All Lady
Is there anything that is better used to detox for the ladies than the guys? I have a sister in law and a cousin who ended up both drinking too much last night and now they are feeling the pain from it. Both tried to talk me into "beer pong" but I passed and we headed home before midnight (good thing too).


Lemon water is supposed to be an excellent way to detox your body, but I think it works well for men and women.


Self inflicted pain gets very little pity from me!;)
Prevention is always best but we do tend to drink too much every now and then. I think the hangover cures depend more on the individual and not on the person's sex. Chamomole tea, asprin and saltine crackers are my go to cure but my partner goes with black coffeee and asprin.


All Lady
dissn that is just about what I was thinking but you know neither took my advice and then suffered anyways. I think one day they will wise up and remember that they are no longer spring chickens.
I'm told that eating fruit and drinking tea helps, but I don't think that's gender specific.

What helps even more is not drinking yourself sick, haha.


Lol, hindsight is 20/20, but hey, at least they had fun!

For the next day, water, water, water. There is nothing better than simply making sure to rehydrate plenty and constantly. It takes a lot out of you and drinking several glasses (your normal plus some) will help move things along more quickly.


Whenever anyone drinks too much alcohol in my family we always drink lemon water. I think its a great detox and it works. The next time they go out not drinking so much would be best.


Well for women it often has to do with body weight. Sometimes they fail to take into account they way less than the men. It will take less alcohol for them to get drunk more quickly. I second water. Lemon water may test better going down.


All Lady
I have always alternating between a drink and water when I am out. Someone suggested the other day that drinks like Gatorade would be a good thing but I have yet to see a bar maid serve this up so that could be a snag (unless they bring their own).