Juice to Boost Immune System


I ran across a list of best juice for health concerns on Yahoo, and it says that to help strengthen your immune system, you might want to try combining these ingredients for a healthy drink: beet, carrot, celery, broccoli, and garlic.


Is there any reason you couldn't just eat the fruits and vegetables? Does it have to be in juice form? Juice is so high in sugar and you lose out on the fiber.


Is there any reason you couldn't just eat the fruits and vegetables? Does it have to be in juice form? Juice is so high in sugar and you lose out on the fiber.
I had no idea that you lose fibers if you process food like that. What actually happens with the fibers? Anyway, thanks for the tip.


I always thought the reason for combining different ingredients like this was to make it easier to get a lot of different nutrients at the same time. It's a lot quicker to drink 4 vegetables then to eat them all.